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Phone preview

Operation google chrome with remote control


- At the bottom left of the TV itself is a button that you have to press to switch on the TV

- After 3 seconds, the chromecast (white remote control) switches on automatically

  • With the edge of the top round button on the remote control you can choose up and down (click on the top and bottom of the edge) and go to the apps, for example
  • In the middle of the top round button you can select/confirm
  • With the back arrow you can go back to the previous screen
  • With the Home icon you can go back to the start screen
  • With the buttons on the right side you can make the sound louder and softer 

- TV subscription is available from NL Ziet, so to watch TV go to this app by going to the app of NL Ziet with the edge of the round button and then by pressing the center of the round button the app of NL Ziet. 

- Of course you can also choose other apps that are on the TV, such as German apps to watch German TV. 

- Switching channels in the NL Ziet app is done by using the round button again. Clicking on top of the edge will open all channels and then go up and down by clicking on the top and bottom of the edge. You select again by pressing the center of the round button. 

- You can switch off the TV with the off sign O on the remote control, after three minutes the TV will switch off completely

Watching TV via telephone or iPad via google chromecast: 


Connect iPad or phone to the network from the port

Then you can stream from your phone or iPad to the TV


Note: do not adjust the TV settings yourself!
