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We have free wifi (speed is only for retrieving email and visiting websites)


Wifi harbor


Network: Hotspotlemsterbaai 1 and 2, Password: @JH22LB*


Wifi boat
1. Tomio; Network: Havenlodge 1, Password Lemsterbaai1
2. Visarend; Network: Havenlodge 1, Password Lemsterbaai1
3. Talamanca; Network: Havenlodge 2, Password Lemsterbaai2
4. Sauvage; Network: Havenlodge 2, Password Lemsterbaai2
5. Bon Vivant; Network: Havenlodge 3, Password Lemsterbaai3
6. Atlanta; Network: Havenlodge 3, Password Lemsterbaai3
7. Maatrollie; Network: Havenlodge 4, Password Lemsterbaai4